Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Godzilla on the loose.

Jack was playing quietly in his room the other day with a new wooden train set (hand-me-down) from Aunt Kim. Well, it was time for "rest time" to be over and Davis had woken up a bit early, so I decided to let him loose to surprise Big Brother in his room.

I expected Jack Everett to see Davis' cute little face and greet him with a smile and a snuggle. I grabbed the video camera in anticipation of this display of brotherly love.

Yeah, I pretty much had to stop videotaping to prevent Jack from slamming his brother's fingers in the door. I explained that he can replace the full-on body block with some kind words along the lines of, "Mommy, can you please come get Davis? I am afraid he's gonna mess up my train!"

Jack replied, "But, he's like a huge Godzilla and he always ruins and slobbers my city!"

Poor little guy. But I must say, he is definitely earning his new nickname "Davey Destructo."

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