Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pre-wedding Picture

Sandra's wedding was perfect! There were a few snafoos on my end, which is to be expected whenever I am involved, but everything else came off without a hitch!

The main snafoo is that our camera broke during the rehearsal. I have NO IDEA what happened, but it was working fine before I sat on it in the car. So, I did not take one single picture of my Best Friend's Wedding!!

Anyway, enough about me - The service was beautiful, the reception was a blast, and everything in between was fun and memorable. Here is the first picture I will post, but I plan to post several more soon... as soon as people share them with me, and I find a way to download them, etc.

Sandra's wedding party at the Bridesmaids' Luncheon.

Left to right: Becca (college friend), Karolyn (friend/boss), Angie (sis-in-law), Samantha (niece/flowergirl), Sandra (bride), Ann (Sister), Me (and baby boy), and Dana (Cousin)
The only one missing was Jackie, Trevor's sis-in-law, who must have been taking this photo!

1 comment:

cristina said...

TAG, you're it!
