Monday, April 7, 2008

"He is Risen Indeed!"

Here are just a few pics of our family celebrating Easter 2008:

Before the service at Grace Point Church; Mom and Jeffry joined us for Easter service, which always means a lot to us.

Family pic in the foyer after service.

Jack and good friend Alli Jean share an Easter hug. They are SO cute!

Off to Mamaw's house to color eggs. Even though he can't eat them, he sure loves decorating them!

Now, that's a good egg: "JESUS loves JACK!"

Off for the Easter Egg hunt! Pops did a great job hiding eggs!

Special Delivery!

He was so excited to see candy inside of a few of them. He had "Spree" for the first time... and the last time, for a while at least. He just holds them in his hand until most of the color comes off onto his palm. Then, he sucks the rest of the color off and spits them out because he doesn't like the texture. They mysteriously disappeared the next morning...

... but that's okay! The rest of the eggs were filled with little dinos - his favorite!

After that, it was off to Nana's for a nice afternoon nap (for all of us), yummy Taco dinner, and another fun Easter Egg hunt.

He loved counting the hand-painted eggs over and over. I loved these beautiful wooden eggs Nana bought this year. There is no need to fill them, and all the fun is about the hunt... not the "what's in it for me?"

Jack Everett had a really great Easter.

1 comment:

Melissa's mom said...

What expressive photos. They really caught the excitement of the day. They remind me of the "good" things that happened that day instead of the bad (like nearly burning the house down). Thanks for coming over in spite of the stifling smoke. It was a precious time.