Sunday, March 2, 2008

Valentine's Day 2008

As usual, Jeff and I had not made definite plans for Valentine's Day until the day was suddenly upon us. I figured I would make dinner at home and that we might sit at the table and eat by candlelight. I knew Jack would think that was neat.

Then, when I found out Aunt Mel wasn't doing anything, I asked her to pick Jack Everett up from preschool and decided to surprise Jeff and take him out for dinner. (Thank you Aunt Mel!) So, I showed up at his store, and we called from inside to make a last-minute dinner reservation.

When we got outside to the parking lot, I had locked my keys (and purse and wallet) in my car. Oh, and did I mention that I also locked the SPARE key in the car too? I know, I already got the lecture. So, as we do every time I do this, we called my parents and Mom and Jeffry came out to break into my car. After one hour, some help from a fellow locksmith, and $40 bucks, we were back on track for our "date." So much for spontaneity, but we were not going to let this spoil the mood.

We ended up eating at Luciano's, in the middle of North Star Mall. Not surprisingly, they were able to seat us right away. So it was a little unconventional, but it was time away nonetheless. We ignored all the kids and strollers and had a great time. After dinner, we did TWO of Jeff's very favorite things... shopped for maternity clothes, and took pictures in a photo booth.

Happy Valentine's Day, Honey. You are such a good sport!

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