Monday, March 3, 2008

Sleepover at Jack's House!

Jack hosted his friend Alli Jean this weekend to a little sleepover while her parents attended an out-of-town wedding. This was Alli Jean's first night away from Mom and Dad and she did great! (Julie did okay too. I mean, she did leave me specific detailed instructions and a signed Power of Attorney, but other than that, she was pretty relaxed about leaving her baby for the first time.) Jack loved having Alli Jean over, although he occasionally had a hard time sharing his most special toys.

Here are some pics from the weekend:

At Alli Jean's house before she came over. I just love her blue eyes.

It became very clear by Saturday afternoon that we needed to get these two monkeys out of the house for a while, so we took them to the park.

Time for a drink break - they were getting tired. Our plan was working.

Scrub-a-dub dub, two 3-yr-olds in a tub!

She loved using all of his "BOY" things, like Lightning McQueen bubble bath.

Alli Jean shared her pink kitty cat blankie and pillow (to Jeff's dismay) while she snuggled in Jack's Diego blankie. He made her watch "The Incredibles."

Time to brush those pearly whites.

We were actually able to get up and make it to church in the morning with two kids! It was good practice for us.

It's good to have friends!

It was fun having a little girl in the house. It is uncanny how different little boys and girls already behave by age three. When they are at Alli's house, Jack spends much of his time lining up the baby dolls and making them coffee in the pink coffeepot in her play kitchen. Over here, Alli was leaving the living room and I asked her what they were playing in the back of the house. She replied, matter-of-factly, "There are robots and tigers in here so we have to get them." I enjoyed putting her in her pink jammies, and fixing her hair for church on Sunday with her little pink bow, even though she kept telling me I wasn't doing it right.

There was one point in the night that Jack Everett crawled up into Daddy's lap and said, "Sometimes I don't like Alli Jean very much." We asked if he was ready for her to go home and he jumped down and said "No!" Sunday afternoon, Duane and Julie picked her up while Jack was napping. When he woke up, he started crying, "I wanted Alli Jean to play longer!"

Julie, Alli Jean is welcome any time!


ren said...

Love the pic of them hugging! A friend of mine sent me this link, it's too funny. I just had to share the love:

ren said...

rats here's the rest of it:


Julie said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you again so much for keeping my little monkey. It's very nice to feel so comfortable leaving her (power of attorney and all- you can never be too safe) and to know that she is going to have fun.
I LOVE the pics of them at church! You did a great job with her hair by the way. As Alli pointed out, it is a little different than I usually fix it, but I think I might try it 'cause I think she looked very cute!
And of course I hope you already know that Jack is welcome at Alli Jean's house anytime too!

cristina said...

they're precious. :)