Sunday, February 10, 2008

"We all scream for R-ICE CREAM!"

Jack Everett's diet contains very few really sweet treats. His desserts usually include watermelon, applesauce, pears, fruit cocktail, etc. So, when I bought him some Rice Dream Vanilla Ice Cream and Strawberry syrup, I knew it would be a hit! I let him serve himself, which is half the fun. Of course, I had the camera on-hand!

This is gonna be YUMMY!

One scoop at a time...

Not too much syrup! (He calls it "cherry sauce.")

(Sheesh... I am not sure how to get a good haircut without it looking like a straight line across the front.)

He likes having a red tongue. He asked for "Ice Ceeam with Cherry Sauce" for every meal for the next week or so. We had to keep explaining that he couldn't have it until AFTER his meal. So, every two bites of his real food he would say, "I'm done."

So glad to see him enjoying his food.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Mmmmm rice dream ice cream- can't wait to try it myself :-)
Glad Jack is enjoying his new treat. I'm sure it's good for a fever too- eat up Jack!!