Sunday, February 24, 2008

Evidence for Santa

For this post, I committed Mommy-blog idea theft. Julie's good friend Stephanie posted pictures on her blog of her two girls' bedroom wall after they had COVERED it with her expensive liquid foundation. After expressing how upset she was, she then had to explain to them why she was taking pictures of it if she was so mad. She advised them she was "taking a picture of the walls to send to Santa so he would have proof that they had been bad girls!"

Thanks for the idea, Steph. After drawing a happy jellyfish on his red chair, Jack Everett sent Santa some photo evidence today, too.

While trying to take a picture of his chair, Jack said, "Make sure I am in the picture!"

I told him, "This is not funny, Jack." He promised he would not smile if I would take one picture of him in the chair. He tried not to laugh - achieving this mischievous grin.

Heloise says that WD-40 takes crayon out of almost anything. We're about to see.


Jeffry said...

I love it!

Steph said...

Lol, I like "Mommy-blog idea theft"! I'm glad something I've said in this life was useful for someone else :) At least Jack was actually doing artwork!
I enjoy reading your blog, too. Autumn even knows Jack's face and that he is "Alli's friend Jack" from looking at the blog with me!

ren said...

That face is priceless. If my mom had known about this Santa trick when I was a kid, I would have had to send him a picture of me, standing over my 4 foot wide picture of a fish I drew in red lipstick on the carpet in my bedroom. Yikes! I can only imagine what MY little artist will think up some day.