Monday, December 10, 2007

Chicken Box

Yep, vaccine, schmaccine... Jack Everett still somehow managed to come home with Chicken Pox, or as he calls it, "Chicken Box." When I took him to the 'Little Spurs' Pediatric Urgent Care on Sunday night, they told me he needed to stay home for a week, but that since he has been immunized, it should be a minor case.

Luckily, there are only about 12-15 "boxes" on him and he has been a real champ about leaving them alone. There are three bad ones on his scalp and they seem to bother him the most.

Monday morning I called the pre-school and the director said Jack Everett is the first reported case at the school.

First in his class. We're so proud.

1 comment:

ren said...

Tiffany and I got the chicken pox at the same time when we were little, and we got to stay home from school and play with each other all day, it was GREAT! Haha. Oh, and we were vaccinated too, go figure.