Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Look out Santa, here we come!

Jack Everett, four of his best friends, and of course, "Squirrel", hit the mall to see Santa Clause this week. Here is our stroller caravan:

Front: Jake, Jack, Grant... Back: Alli Jean walking like a big girl, T.J.

With five kids under three, Julie, Laura, and I were quite the tag-team. I must admit, watching those two SuperMoms in action makes me realize that I really have it pretty easy...

Alli Jean comforts him, "Don't be scared, Jack."

He was a bit scared at first. Squirrel took his place in the pic.

Alli Jean and Jack Everett - a little help from a friend.

Jack, Squirrel, and Santa Clause 2007

1 comment:

Julie said...

Yay!!! How adorable. Lots of fun for everyone!!
Supermom- not sure about that, but I'll take it and let it got to my head :-)