Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Take a Bite Outta Crime!"

"McGruff the Crime Dog" came to Grace Point this week. I was off work, so I took Jack Everett up to the school to meet him, and to complete the Fingerprint ID process. I remember McGruff coming to my school when I was little. When he came into the classroom, all the kids ran up to him to hug him... except Jack Everett. He ran behind him and onto the floor. He didn't cry or anything, but was a little scared.

I stood outside the classroom to snap this pic.

I finally got him to pose when McGruff came into the hall alone.

Terri (out of costume) explains to Jack Everett that God made everyone with a unique fingerprint. She explained that even Mommy's fingerprint is different than Jack's fingerprint. Jack said, "I know. It's bigger."

Jack was so still and careful with the fingerprint machine.

He could instantly see his prints on the screen and was quite fascinated.

After weighing (33 pounds) and measuring him (39 inches), it was time for his ID card picture. As usual, I was the only parent at the school that day, and of course had my trademark camera hanging around my neck. So, she sits him down to take his digital ID photo. I am quietly standing behind her, all but blending into the wallpaper, and letting her do her job. After some delay, I just couldn't help but try to assist her and said, "Jack, say cheese!" She quickly turned to look back at me and said, "Mom, we do not want them to smile. We want to clearly see their facial features and eye color."
I skulked around the corner to get out of her way.

Here is the official picture from his Safe Kids I.D. Card


When filling out the ID Card information, I put my name and middle initial instead of his. Irritating. When I realized it, I changed the name but forgot to change the initial. The card is printed, "Jack B. Griffin." At least I didn't put my height and weight. So, I have to mail in $4.00 extra to get new cards printed and mailed to me. Why must I do everything the hard way?


Julie said...

You so crazy!

Julie said...

BTW- I know that's not proper grammar. I meant for it to be a little bit ghetto if you will :-)