Saturday, November 14, 2009

Give me a revelation...

"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Luke 11:9

It's amazing how many voices I hear when I am trying to make a potentially life-changing decision. I spend time praying about it, but seemingly so much more time going back and forth, weighing options, crying, making pro/con lists, soliciting opinions from friends, and eventually (of course) calling my Mom. It's hard to decipher between God's voice guiding me, Satan's voice discouraging me, and my own voice trying to control the situation. I want to be still and listen but sometimes wonder which voice I am actually hearing. The voice I have the hardest time quieting is the one that simply requires me to shut my mouth.

Today, thanks to the absence of children, the wise counsel of an honest friend, and (of course) a talk with Mom, I have finally been able to spend time in prayer and truly listen to Him. I do recognize God's voice when I block out everything else. The time I have been spending with Him in recent months has made His voice that much more recognizable to me. I have finally, today, asked Him to speak to me and have given myself the opportunity to listen.


Tell me what to do! Make my next move FOR me. This economy scares me. Remind me that we are not living in the world's economy. We are living in Your economy where you promise blessing for obedience. You keep your promises. I am sorry when I don't keep mine. The noise confuses me. I get ahead of myself and way ahead of You.

Thank you for continuing to pick up our little family when we take the wrong road. You dust us off and place us back on the path, time and time again. I want to follow the path I feel you are telling me to take, but I can't see around the corner. That's the part that gets me into trouble. I really want to know what's waiting around that corner before I take another step.

Today I am saying "I trust you." I trust that you have something better for us and I am taking the next step. I still don't know what awaits us, but I am grateful in advance for your abundant provision. What I do know is that with this first step, I am drawing closer to you. I thank you for the peace that has already come over me this afternoon. It's a peace that passes all understanding.

Again, just like you promised.

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1 comment:

Melody said...

Well said, you and your family are in my prayers daily. I pray for a loud, clear voice to make your decision an easy one.

Love ya! I know God has special plans for all of you!