Saturday, January 5, 2008

Movie Night, Part Two

WARNING: Scary Water Horse on the Loose

Okay, so that was a bit of a mistake. The Water Horse was pretty darn scawy for the little guy.

When the movie started, I walked my overprotective self over to the manager and kindly asked him to turn down the volume in Theater 15. There were tender little eardrums in there being damaged within the first few minutes of the movie.

When I came back, Jack was snuggled right up next to Nana, head on her shoulder, looking at the screen with obvious concern. Jeff explained that finding the baby water horse coming out of its egg was really scary. Great.

So, I won't bore with details, but "PG" is "PG" - Parental Guidance. Jack is only 3 years old. He needs "G." End of story. Lesson learned.

Another reminder, "When in doubt.... overprotect." It has been my mothering M.O. thus far, so why change now? No, seriously, I had a feeling this movie might be a bit scary, and should have listened to that maternal voice or at least waited until another Mom in my circle had seen it.

It may sound dramatic but I felt a tiny bit of his innocence slipping away as I witnessed him viewing more intense drama/action than he has ever seen before. Don't get me wrong. He was glued. Timid, but downright fascinated. I felt him being de-sensitized a bit and I didn't like it. Jeff and I looked at each other a few times and I could see that he felt I might be overreacting. I didn't ever feel like leaving the theater... I mean, it wasn't THAT bad, I just felt intermittent pangs of regret that we weren't next door at "Alvin and the Chipmunks."

Before going to bed, Miss Julie asked him over the phone, "Jack, do you think YOU should get a water horse for a pet?" He quickly said, "No! I don't want one!"

Nana, I guess you are off the hook.

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