Saturday, January 5, 2008

Movie Night, Part One

We are taking Jack Everett (and Nana) to the movies tonight to see The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep. It's rated PG, but we are a little nervous that it might be scary.

The Water Horse starts off like this (all cute) when a little Scottish boy brings home a mysterious egg. The creature turns out to be the legendary creature of Lochness. It's not long before his cute new pet looks like this:

As always, I researched the movie on my favorite parents' movie rating site: and here is what they said: REVIEW

So, I will post my own personal movie review later on this weekend.

We plan to tell J. Everett that if he stops pee-peeing in his bed, we will let him get a Water Horse. He can keep it at Nana's house. It only makes sense - her bathtub is bigger.

1 comment:

cristina said...

praying for you, my friend.
love you!