Monday, January 28, 2008

"Once upon a time..."

As parents, we have to fight the desire to try to control what our children will become. We dream about them becoming baseball players, public speakers, singers, etc. Jeff and I know it is our role to help them find their individual passions, whatever those may be, reminding ourselves that these are their dreams, not ours.

However, today, I must be honest. I would be absolutely thrilled if Jack grew up to be a writer. Not Hemingway, just a man who loves to read, and who finds joy in bringing creativity to whatever field he pursues.

Anyway, for this reason, this latest milestone is extra special to me.

Yes, Jack wrote his name on his own for the first time.

He doesn't know it yet, but this is the beginning of a whole new world for him - A brand new avenue for self-expression. It won't be long before this 3 1/2-yr-old is writing stories and essays and letters to Grandma, poems, and songs... bringing his ideas to life on paper.

That is, if he wants to.


Anonymous said...

Wow, so impressive! He's growing up so fast!! I cannot believe it. And what a great job he did! He's THREE!!!
I love him!

Anonymous said...

He is the most adorable child. I am looking at the improvement in the K - from my birthday card to what you have posted! He's doing so good!!

cristina said...

so cool! keep a journal and have him write in it periodically, and date it. it'll be a treasure to see the changes.

and here's something i'm learning--in all they attempt, i want to encourage them to love it and not make it a chore. so, don't squelch the desire to write--at first, it took so much to keep from correcting sophia's phoenetic writing...she is already getting so much better, and she loves writing stories and drawing pictures. it is a joy. i hadn't realized how very excited i was about her sharing that with me until now. :)