I gotta get away from Facebook and back to this blog. To me, Facebook is like renting and this blog is like home ownership. Renting is faster and easier and less stress in the short run, but in the end, you don't have anything to show for it. I go back and re-read blog entries ALL THE TIME, and enjoy seeing how things were way back when and look at pictures and say, "Oh my gosh, I had totally forgotten about that!" So, I will figure out how to keep it in my life before Davis' memories go undocumented. Not to mention, I am sure he is going to say some CRAZY FUNNY stuff! Heck, he already does!
Okay, so here are a couple of pics from this morning...
Party guests from left to right = Toby (3), Alli Jean (5), Jack (6), TJ (4), Davis (2), Devin (6), and Evan (3). They were SO good and participated in the reading of the Christmas story and Nativity Scene Reenactment.
Between tracking down and delivering Thirty-one orders, finishing up last minute Santa wrapping/hiding/rearranging, and Christmas crafts, we're keeping very busy.
I have a feeling that my next post will be about potty-training Davis. You know how when you ask kids a question in Sunday School, they don't even think before immediately answering, "Jesus!!" because most of the time that's the right answer? Well, that's how Davis is. I ask him, "Tell Daddy what we did today!" His immediate response? "I pee-pee'd in the potty!" To which Jeff exclaims, "Wow, you did!??? Oh my, what a big boy to..." until I call from the kitchen, "... No he didn't!!"
So, he's ready. He gets that it's a big deal, he's pooped and peed on the potty and has even come to get me to tell me ... at home and in public. And he loves to watch the Elmo Potty Time video. You know, the one where kids call out the term THEY use for going #2?! Yes. The kid yells into the camera, "I call it DOOKIE!" and just when you furl your brow because THAT's something you wish they would have left out... another yells, "I call it CACA!" I am not kidding. Jack watched that video several times and never muttered either word, but of course Davers yells "DOOKIE!" over and over after that scene. *sigh*
So, today, I think I decided Santa is going to bring him BRAND NEW (handed down from Evan) "big boy underwear!" ... and Mamaw and Pops are bringing a different Elmo video, thank you very much.
Not sure how this post started with "Happy Birthday, Jesus" and ended with me talking about CACA, but that's about how my days go lately...
We thought this was a funny outtake as Davers' arms make it look like Jack's wearing a full-body striped getup and is riding on Davis' shoulders! And their faces are just weird-funny.
Merry Christmas everyone, from our family to yours.
We'll catch up after the New Year! Can't wait to upload pics of a few big gift items the boys are getting this year. Better not write about them just yet, now that Sherlock Everett Holmes can read.

Welcome back! I agree with you about the blog vs facebook. I usually do fb first just because it's quick and I don't have to think about anything! I go back and look at old posts, too, and it is cool to see how much the kids and life have changed in a few short years.
What a cute idea with the real deal Jesus' birthday party!
Oh and yes, we have that same Elmo video and I forgot about the kids yelling out their names for #2. That's hilarious- but not so much when your child repeats it!
That picture of Jack "riding" on Daver's shoulders is hilarious. Thanks so much for sharing the outtakes too :-)
Gotta love the Elmo potty video - we watched it lots- not sure it worked. POTTY POTTY POTTY POTTY PAAAWTY TIME! I can still hear it.
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