Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sleeping Champion #2

We used to call Jack Everett the "Sleeping Champion" after his almost two years of two-naps-per-day gave way to one 3 to 4-hour naps and long 12-hr stints of peaceful overnight slumber. Well, his penchant for snoozing could definitely be attributed to his being sick, his compromised immune system, or the fact that both of his parents love sleep... but whatever the reason, we thanked God for his sleep pattern pretty dang regularly.

Whenever our friends would talk to us about him, they'd say, "You just WAIT until your second one comes along! You won't get so "lucky" (ahem) next time around!" I'd take these frequent "well-wishes" for our unborn child as a challenge, secretly hoping they were wrong.

So, when Davers started showing signs of becoming Sleeping Champion #2, I figured it wouldn't last for long. Turns out, God has proven once again that He just KNOWS what we can and can't handle and Jeff and I NEED our sleep. Davis loves his naps and usually welcomes the words, "You ready for night-night?" He nods his head and immediately starts looking around for his beloved "woobie." It is the same at Moms, Nanas, Aunt Mels, or at a hotel... yes, we are very blessed. We're just so dad-gummed worn out by him during his waking hours, we don't have anything left for a bedtime battle.

On this particular night this week, we decided to record his little night-time routine. We had to do things slightly out of order since we ordinarily turn the lights out before playing the blankie peekaboo game. As you can see, it was hard to record in pitch black.

We bought his toddler bed on Craigslist yesterday, and will keep it in the garage until he shows signs of crawling out of his crib, starts waking up from being uncomfortable, or gets so big he looks ridiculous in it... whichever comes first. In the meantime, we'll rest up in preparation for the "stay in your bed" battles that are sure to ensue...

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TnT said...

Sooo precious!!

ren said...

I love how much he's talking. We do the same thing with N's blankie and he laughs hysterically every night. Isn't this age so precious? Nigh nigh Davers!