Sunday, July 18, 2010

Davis' Birthday, Take Two.

Davis' Big Day. In pictures.

We dropped him off at daycare so he could share Birthday "foss" (applesauce) with his classmates. It's his fave.

Here is the closest he ever got to showing us "TWO" on his fingers.... thanks to catching two of them under the carseat buckle.

Here we are at the grand door of the daycare. It's really a beautiful place...

... with Marble paintings and a big formal dining hall...

The kids finished up lunch while some headed to their mats for nap time. He stayed just long enough to rest up for a big dinner at a new family restaurant called the "Yacht Club."

Even though the nachos there were as big as THIS...

... it was hard keeping Davis strapped into THIS...

... when he could just look out the window and see THIS...

They have a fenced in playground eating area outside and by 8:30 it was cool enough not to need sunscreen. Between 5:30 and 7:00, it was pretty miserable out there.

So, he opened about three gifts, and was ready to hit the playground again.

If it were up to Jack, they'd slide down together every time. Davis, on the other hand... prefers flyin' solo!

The funny thing is, he's about as good climbing up the slide as he is coming down. His gross motor skills are pretty awesome.

So, we went ahead and forced him to take the milestone "bear" picture... and he did NOT want to sit for it. I always tell people... even when he's misbehaving or disobeying... he pretty much does it with a BIG smile on his face. It's charming and maddening all at the same time.

We changed them into their new birthday jammies for some late-night pics. By this time, Jeff is always like, "Melissa, seriously, let's get them into bed!" ... while I say, "but look how cute they are and how cooperative they are being!"

As we went through our little bedtime routine that night, I thought about that tiny baby laying there in that tiny isolette in the St. Luke's NICU just two years earlier. I just wanted to hold him, to nurse him. It felt like it would be forever before I could take him home. I had no idea how that little blonde-headed guy would change me. As a Mom, as a person. No idea how he'd humble me, challenge me, exasperate me, and exhiliarate me.

I can't imagine where his fun-loving personality and abundant energy will take him. I am glad I get a front-row seat. I just hope I can keep up.

Happy Birthday, Davis!

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Steph said...

How sweet- I can't believe he is two! Looked like a fun birthday!

Kristin said...

Awww! He is such a cutie! Happy birthday little man.