Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tooth on the loose!

Jack's recap of a most exciting afternoon...

It had not occurred to me that he was at tooth-losing age. How did this sneak up on us?

He said, "I really hope the tooth fairy brings me a quarter!!" That's our boy. He is excited to go on our trip this week to Missouri so he can be ring bearer in Kayla's wedding with his brand new smile. He's even more excited to show it to Mrs. Brockman in the morning.

So, let me ask those of you who have been through this... do you keep their little teeth?

My gut is to throw them away (as Julie gasps,) but I haven't really thought about it before today.

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Melissa's mom said...

So, let me ask you, do you wish I had kept YOUR baby teeth so you could um, look at them?

Steph said...

I'm thinking they will get thrown away in our house!

Melody said...

Throw them away and tell him that the Tooth Fairy takes them with her.

Melody said...
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Rhonda said...

We still have the girls' teeth. At least the first 6-8 of them. I just don't remember where they are. But every once in awhile when we're cleaning out drawers or bedrooms, they show up and we "oooh and ahhhh" and then put them away again. Brings back memories, and they don't take up much space. I think we keep them in a little jewelry box...

Kristin said...

I can't believe he's big enough to have lost a tooth! Where does the time go? I don't know that I would save all of his teeth, but maybe his first one. On second thought - he's a boy. He's not going to care when he's older. It's something I would appreciate but I don't think he (or any guy) would.

SA Photo Girl said...

This may sound horrible, but when Emma was younger, there were stories about lost girls, so I kept her teeth for the fact that I may need something of hers with her DNA. Again, I know that sounds awful, but I kept some, not all, in a little pouch in my jewelry drawer. Not the nostalgic, warmy fuzzy answer, but you asked...LOL

Julie said...

I have to be honest, I really hadn't thought about it that much before now. But thanks to the comments, I'm thinking I will keep at least the first one- what else will I do with those cute little "my first tooth" keepsake boxes :-)
And as much as I don't want to think about what SA Photo Girl said, she has a really good point.

Anonymous said...

I would just say keep the teeth, I have had countless moments since my kids grew up that I have thought maybe I should have kept more memories. Let them decide whether or not to keep them once they have their families. I have decided that the boxes of all of their stuff will be given to them at Christmas following their 1st child. I did not give Josh his box after they had Jude but it will be given to him next Christmas, they had enough on their minds with Jude's condition and praise God he is doing well and at home now. So now the spoiling begins!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have all of Matthew's and Daniel's teeth along with thier first curl, from thier first haircut. Along, with the first drawings and report cards and first write ups and birth certificates and first pair of shoes and on and on .... oh my! Am I a hoarder?