Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Let me upgrade ya."

I finally got the stainless steel appliances, tumbled stone backsplash and built-in microwave I've always wanted.

My new kitchen upgrade even includes a super cute personal chef, always willing to serve up some gourmet coffee, potatos and Hot Wheels. In the same pot.

Luckily, Big Brother is a regular at Cafe Davers and is always a satisfied customer. Hmmm, looks like pizza in the oven. Again.

If we ever run out of oversized plastic ingredients, we make a quick grocery store run.

I am so glad Jeff finally agreed to the kitchen upgrade for Christmas. As soon as he realized how many hours it kept the boys occupied, I never really heard any more concerns about it not being manly enough.

* When I read back over this post, I realized it looks like I have a brown pile of poop in one picture and a huge pile of green poop in another. Those, of course, are a saugage patty and disproportionate plastic broccoli respectively.

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Rhonda said...

This made me laugh out loud today!

ren said...

Love the pic of Davis being pushed across the room! LOL.