Sunday, November 25, 2007

"Baby, It's cold outside..."

Since birth, Jack has never gone to preschool or daycare during a winter. We have never felt comfortable risking it with his health situation and his being allergic to the flu vaccine. So, I have always quit work in November or December and kept him warm at home. However, this winter he is at his healthiest and we love his school, so we're giving it a shot...

Here he is, all bundled up on his first cold day.

He says, "I'm freezin' up!" He gets that from hearing his Mom say, "I'm burnin' up!"

Jack thinks it's funny to hear his legs rub together when he walks in his slick jogging pants. However, when that happens to me, I really don't thinks it's that funny.
Oops - have to log off... I just heard Jack throw up on the baby monitor. Then he yelled, "Daddy! I throwed up because I tried to put all my fingers all in my mouth." I immediately hear Jeff say, "Jack, don't touch anything, and go see Mommy." He's coming down the hall right now... more to come...


Julie said...

Ha- "go see mommy"
That's great- don't you just love it? Oh the joys of motherhood!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha... I love that he explains why he threw up! Trying to put all fingers in his mouth... fabulous.

Anonymous said...

I wish the swishing I hear when I walked was the "pants only", too bad its the BIG legs inside that are making them do that! Working on it again- today went back to "hell", I mean the gym, to get back on track.

Anonymous said...

Noisy thighs... puking kids... I'm laughing so hard I think I might wake mine up!!! I could totally see my Jack making himself sick from shoving his fist in his mouth! The difference is Duane would never dare say go see your Mommy, 'cause then I'd be throwing up too! How weak is that? :-)
